180° SOLUTION™ health and wellness programs are the essential answer to the modern day epidemic of disease and obesity. We are seeing dramatic, increasing numbers of weight gain, weight loss resistance and disease. These numbers are increasing even in our children!
We are in an age where we are inundated with messages almost 24/7. Overt marketing messages, as well as hidden subliminal messaging, are rampant through every radio station, Television channel, road sign, magazine and every box or package for any given item. We are bombarded.
As humans we are trained to respond to these messages and we do! If the messages were right, wouldn’t we be seeing drastic decreases in these numbers? The messages that state, “eat fat free, eat whole grains, lower your cholesterol, eat sugar free and the ever so popular, eat gluten-free”, are they leading us astray? We believe yes! There are many myths within these statements and hidden lies that are keeping us fat, sick and living dead. It is time to wake up, learn and go against the current of all the marketing inundation that is flooding your brain. It’s time to retrain our brains to think clear and logical. We must remember the innate intelligence that has kept us for generations thus far. It is time we go the 180° Opposite of these modern media messages, and find the truth, health and life we seek, on the other side. Come join us as we Learn the 180° Solution Diet, Choose 180° Solution products, Live a 180° Solution lifestyle with our choices ultimately Becoming 180° better within our minds, bodies and finances. You are embarking on a transformation journey of a lifetime. Get ready to be different.